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Magic Advent Calendar – DECEMBER 3

Hello everyone!

This is day 3 of the Magic Advent Calendar with a version of Paul Curry’s “Open Prediction”.

In 2012 I was asked to create a basic course of card magic for the Magic Agora project, a great idea for an online school of magic, which unfortunately folded after a short period – the reasons for this would make for a fascinating essay on the obscure psyche of today’s practitioners of magic and the magic market…but I won’t torture you with that 🙂

Instead, here is one of fourteen chapters of what became Introduction to Card Magic, certainly one of the first if not the first interactive multi-media e-book on basic card magic (it is sort of Pre-Card-College). Chapter 9 deals with audience management, and is illustrated by a self-working version (if there is anything like that…) of “Open Prediction”. My open prediction is that even the very advanced among you will find this interesting, and maybe even use it, let alone those who just started out in magic!

To read the PDF CLICK HERE.


PS: If you’re interested to obtain the complete course, you can get it HERE – I put a price tag of € 6.95 to it (no, it’s not a printing error) so that everyone can get it. I’m sure even experts will find the holistic approach of the course inspiring, and those among you who teach card magic will find it to be a ready-made curriculum for their course.


1 thought on “Magic Advent Calendar – DECEMBER 3

  1. Thank you for making so much excellent material available to people for free, Roberto.

    I highly recommend people consider picking up the “Introduction to Card Magic” eBook. For just 6.95 euros, it is excellent value.

    It is my top choice for beginners in card magic to start with, and is an excellent introduction to the fundamentals, as well as including some great self-working tricks.

    See my full detailed review of it here:

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