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Notes on Patrick Page Workshop in Switzerland (2008)

On the 28th and 29th of October 2008, the Magic Circle of Switzerland booked Britain’s inimitable Patrick Page for a two-day seminar to Switzerland. It took place in Reto Breitenmoser’s amazing Miracle Factory in Degersheim, a secluded village in the north-east part of the country, in the canton where the famous Appenzeller cheese is produced. It’s a great event place, houses the library of the Magic Circle of Switzerland (MRS/CMS), as well as a museum of magic, so, if you’re ever cast up in that corner of the world, it’s worth a visit.

Due to professional commitments, I could only assist at one of the two days, but thought that you might be interested in the copious notes I took at the time. The more experienced among you will recognize some great Pat Page classics, but I’m more than confident, that some of them will be worthy rediscoveries and some of it new – as it was to me when I attended this remarkable and memorable event. Now that Pat Page sadly has passed away, my notes and annotations might not only bring to you some really useful professional tricks, techniques, and presentations, but hopefully a bit of his incomparable personality and insight he had into magic.

To read and/or download the PDF, CLICK HERE.

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Bibliography Roberto Giobbi

Here is to the best of my knowledge the bibliography of all my published contributions to magic (and a few outside of magic…): books, articles, essays, videos, downloads and a larger etcetera.

I was frankly quite surprised myself when I saw the amount of it. Today, in looking back, it didn’t seem like work. Possibly Confucius was right, when he said: “Choose a profession you like and you will never have to work in your life.“

To read or download the PDF of the bibliography CLICK HERE.

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The Best Card Trick for Laymen

When Dai Vernon was asked by Lewis Ganson what he considered the best impromptu card trick to do for laymen, the “Professor” immediately answered, “Matching the Cards”.

Few seem to perform this wonderful piece; although it only needs a little set-up, but one which is a pain in the neck.

This is my method to get into the necessary set-up using only a single Overhand Shuffle. Plus you get the Professor’s previously unpublished handling of performing this miracle.

Klick HERE to download the PDF for free.

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Who is Afraid of the Stage?

Thoughts on Nervousness and Stage Fright for Magicians (and other performers)

This essay is intended for all those among us who feel that they are not giving their best in a performance situation because of uncontrollable nervousness. It is also meant for those who do give excellent performances, but would like to feel better before they do so.

Klick here to read or to download the PDF.

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Charlie Miller’s Wisdom

Charles Earl Miller (1909-1989) was one of the outstanding figures of 20th century magic. His column “Magicana” in Genii magazine has become legendary, but information about and from him can also be found in various publications of his, such as An Evening With Charlie Miller, various etc. of lecture notes, and last but by no means least, a lot of the material in Hugard’s & Braue’s Expert Card Technique has been written by Miller.

The successful magic and mime team of T. Daniel and Laurie Willets, who are based in Chicago, in 2002 gave a lecture at the Zauberring Basel in Switzerland titled “What Charlie Miller Taught Me”. At the end of their lecture notes are listed 17 points that Charlie Miller used to make when teaching magic to his pupils. It is with the kind permission of T. Daniel and Laurie Willet that I will reproduce Charlie Miller’s advice followed by a few comments of mine. i hope that you find them not only inspirational, but above all very practical!

Klick here to read PDF or to download it.

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Simplification in Magic by Roberto Giobbi

Conjuring is certainly a complex and deep discipline, however, it is structurally simple, but by no means easy to do well: it takes a lifetime of dedication, study and practice to understand its intricacies.

The present essay offers a few thoughts on some of the essential elements of magic as a performing art, with the hope that the student may gain yet another view of this wonderful métier. And you will be treated to Fred Kaps’s personal version of the “Folded Card in Box”, which has meanwhile become a classic of card magic.

Klick here to read the PDF and download it.

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The Role of the Professor (Prof. Walter Noll)

We need to seek inspiration not only by reading the classics, or studying the work of the great masters of our art, but also by looking at other disciplines, perceiving their problems and how they solve them. Great insights will be gained from this.

In his essay Professor Walter Noll shows great introspection into his chosen area of excellence and eloquently formulates it so that it is easily understood by any intelligent reader (even if you’re not a mathematician).

I hope it will encourage you to look at our own discipline from a different point of view, enabling you to realize the multifaceted structure and intricacies which make it so unique and fascinating to us, and also to those who do not yet fully understand its complexity.

Click HERE to access and download the PDF of this essay for free.