Infos / Contacts

This is the officiale webshop of Roberto Giobbi, where you can find latest news and products. If you want Roberto to sign your book, please mention it and to what name in the comment field of the order form, otherwise we will not sign the book, since we never know who the ultimate recipient is going to be.

Please understand that we are not able to answer lengthy questions. Many vital questions have been answered on the Ask Roberto project – you can purchase this as a downloadable PDF (, or order the printed book ( – or click “Shop” in the menu line above.

Subscribe to the newsletter and you will be advised of lectures, seminars and coaching in your neighborhood, where you will be able to ask your questions. You can also take private coaching in our studios in Muttenz, near Basel (Switzerland) – please inquire for prices and availability.

For questions referring to a sale transaction or complaints only please use the form below. Thank you for your understanding.

Best of success,

Roberto Giobbi

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    30 thoughts on “Infos / Contacts

    1. We spoke briefly at The Session about the Vernon ‘Second Deal’ Routine on the Cavett show.
      I suggested that he may not have been second dealing.
      I wanted to share with you the reasons I think this.
      Firstly, at the end of the routine, Dick asks Vernon to ‘do it again’. Vernon does so; but rather than dealing openly as he had before, for the first time he does a necktie deal.

      I think the second strongest argument is an artistic one; in a routine on prime TV, where he performs Three Card Monte, and Balls Across, why would he demonstrate a technique? I ask you – would you?

      Now then there is another argument. If you watch the first few second deals on full screen, while the resolution of the available video is too poor to see what is happening with the cards, his dealing thumb does not pull back until after the card is dealt. This would not be possible with a second deal.

      Instead I think he was performing another magic trick. One which would require a few duplicate aces, and some roughing fluid. I have no doubt that Vernon could perform a flawless second deal. But at this point in his life he was old.

      I’ve filmed myself doing a poor imitation of the first half of the routine here

      1. Hi Dominic

        Thank you for your comment.

        Before I answer in detail, let me just ask one question: do you do a Second Deal, in particular Vernon’s New Theory Second Deal? If so, can you show it to me via YouTube upload or else? Thank you.

    2. Hi Roberto
      I hope you are well. My dad and I were at the Session earlier this year and attended your recorded lecture on Dai Vernon. We both didn’t know much about Dai Vernon before your lecture and we thought your lecture was really enlightening. We were both really inspired by your professionalism, your knowledge and your skill. Your lecture the following day was also fantastic and I really loved the Trojan deck switch. I wanted to say thank you for the lecture and the inspiration. I didn’t get a chance to talk to you at the session but hopefully sometime in the future I get a chance to introduce myself to you and have a chat with you in person.

      Thank you again for the knowledge and the inspiration

      Paul 🙂

      1. Hello, Paul,

        Thank you for your kind comments, which are much appreciated.

        Andi and Josh from Vanishing Inc. tell me that the DVD on the Vernon Seminar you mention are coming out very well and should be released soon. If you registered for the Newsletter you’ll be the first to know.

        I wish I could have put a few more things in as there is so much excellent magic by Dai Vernon to be re-discovered. I just reread Ganson’s Dai Vernon’s More Inner Secrets of Magic and every item there is a gem, starting with “Twisting the Aces” (do it exactly as described there – forget all modern “improvements”) and ending with “The Trick That Cannot be Explained” (did you see my take on it?). The chapter on the Riffle Shuffle is of particular interest, especially the smaller sub-chapters.

        Keep up the enthusiasm, and next time we are at the same convention please come up and say “hello”.

        All the best,


        1. Hi Roberto

          Thank you for your reply and for the great advice. I think you covered an incredible amount of material in the lecture and it was all really useful stuff. I would really like to learn the cups and balls but it’s a project I will take my time and work on and make sure I do it justice. I will definitely look more into Dai Vernon and I will do the ‘Twisting the aces” as it was intended originally.

          I really look forward to watching the Vernon seminar on dvd. I just signed up to your newsletter last night so that’s great I will be kept up to date with your new releases. I also recently downloaded your 2 penguin magic lectures but I have not had a chance to watch them yet. My dad and I are looking forward to seeing them and I am sure we will learn lots from them.

          Thanks again for all the great advice and hope to see you at a convention in the future.

          Best Wishes


    3. hi
      As an avid reader it has become apparent that the book the magic world needs is ‘The Dictionary of Magic’. It is time that the need to define ‘your’ terms of reference were dispensed with and a proper discussion as to the constituent parts of magic could continue unencumbered by different authors using different terms for what is the same thing.
      Love Secret Agenda!

    4. Hello,
      I am a huge fan of yours and I think the world of your never ending insight on magic.
      I am wondering if you are going to make your book “Stand-up Card Magic – Kartenkunst für Salon & Bühne” available in english?
      Thank you very much for your time.

      1. Hello, Max,

        Thank you for your kind comments, which are much appreciated. Yes, indeed, my most recent book in German Stand-up Card Magic is being translated right now by Dave Shepherd, who already did an excellent job of translating my Light trilogy. If all goes well the book should be published by Stephen Minch’s Hermetic Press just before Xmas of this year (2015). Let’s hope this is so…

        All the best,


    5. Roberto

      Bravo on your recent Penguin lectures (and all your other fine work).

      You made mention of using “cards as an instrument”. Here is a YouTube video of me doing just that. You may find it interesting.

      Wishing you continued success in all you do.


      Gerry Hennessey

      1. Hello, Gerry,

        I’m glad you liked my second Penguin Lecture in spite of it being almost as long as my first one, which run for 5 hours and 20 minutes and broke down their server!

        Thank you for sending in your performance on YouTube. It looks very nice and you’ve put thought and practice into it.

        Keep up the enthusiasm!

        All the best,


    6. Roberto,

      Thank you for taking the time to rep!y.
      I wish you continued success in all you do.

      Best regards from Canada.

      Gerry Hennessey

    7. Hallo Roberto,

      ich habe gesehen, dass sie am 31.05.2015 ein Seminar bei STOLINA in 59302 Oelde abhalten. Sind weitere Seminare in Deutschland geplant? Wird es eins südlich von Frankfurt geben?

      Ich freue mich auf ihr Feedback.

      Vielen Dank und viele Grüße aus München


      1. Lieber Andreas

        Ja, ich werde am SA, 30. Mai in Fulda dasselbe Seminar geben wie bei Stolina. Hier die Einladung des Ortszirkels Fulda (bitte alle weiteren Fragen dazu direkt an die Organisation – Vielen Dank):

        Liebe Zauberfreunde !!!

        Hiermit laden wir Euch zu unserem Seminar mit Roberto Giobbi am 30.Mai 2015 ein.

        Stand-up Card Magic
        Kartenkunst für Salon & Bühne
        Ein Seminar von Roberto Giobbi

        Sie müssen an einem langen Tisch auftreten, wo man nur schlecht auf die Tischoberfläche sieht? Sie sind für einen privaten Anlass engagiert, wo das Publikum im Wohnraum auf Stühlen und Sofas sitzt? Oder Sie haben gar einen abendfüllenden Auftritt in einem kleineren Theater? In all diesen und ähnlichen Fällen sind Sie das, was man bereits im 18. Jahrhundert einen Salonzauberer nannte.
        Obwohl sich die Plattformen verändert haben und moderne Varianten dazu gekommen sind, bleiben die Anforderungen an den modernen Stand-up Performer im Wesentlichen die gleichen: die Techniken müssen effizient und umringt vorführbar sein, die Kunststücke gradlinig, eindrücklich und erinnerungswürdig, die Präsentationen zeitgemäss, intelligent und auf jeden Fall faszinierend.
        Stand-up Card Magic – Kartenkunst für Salon und Bühne ist das neueste Seminar von Roberto Giobbi. Darin präsentiert und erklärt er in der für ihn typisch gründlichen und präzisen Art Techniken, Kunststücke und Präsentationen für den modernen Zauberkünstler, der stehend vor sein Publikum tritt und Kartenkunst vom Feinsten zelebrieren möchte.
        Roberto Giobbi ist in der Zauberwelt eine der gefragtesten Stimmen zu Theorie und Praxis der Zauberkunst. In Anerkennung seiner Leistungen als internationaler Bestseller-Autor zeichnete ihn die Academy of Magical Arts in Hollywood 2012 mit dem «Literary Fellowship» aus, und 2014 verlieh ihm der Magic Circle of London ihre höchste Auszeichnung für einen Fachschriftsteller, den «John Nevil Maskelyne Award». In seinem Seminar spricht er über Karten-Kunst mit grossem «K» für den auftretenden Zauberkünstler mit professionellem Anspruch.

        Wann? Samstag, 30.Mai 2015, 14 Uhr
        Ort! Rathausplatz 2, 36100 Petersberg im Propsteihaus( Turmzimmer )

        Dauer !ca. 3 Std.
        Kosten! € 25,00 (Mitglieder des MZvD) / € 30,00 (Anwärter) / € 35,00 (Gäste).

        Wegen der begrenzten Sitzplätze bitten wir um verbindliche Anmeldung.Sichert euch eure Karte so schnell wie möglich.

        Anmeldung bei Heiko Riebel Tel. 06659-2348 oder per Mail.

        Liebe Grüße OZ Fulda !!!

        Heiko Riebel

    8. Admiradísimo Maestro:

      Le escribo para rendirle mi más sincera admiración y agradecerle todo lo que nos enseña desde las páginas de sus maravillosos libros. Ojalá tenga algún día la suerte de coincidir personalmente con usted.

      Con todo cariño.

      Miquel Ortega

      1. Gracias, querido Miquel – y un abrazo!

        Roberto Giobbi

    9. Hola Roberto,
      Antes de nada felicitarte por tus trabajos para la comunidad magica, es un placer poder paladear durante horas horas y horas de lectura y continuo analisis tus textos,
      Tras leer tu articulo sobre los 10 mejores juegos de magia he visto que hablas sobre tu nuevo libro stand up card magic.
      ¿se sabe cuando estara disponible para la comunidad magica?

      un magico saludo

      1. Hello Miguel

        my book Stand-up Card Magic came out in German in July 2014. It is being translated into English now and should be available by December 2015.

        All the best,


    10. Hi Mr. Giobbi,
      I recently purchased volume 1 of Card College and I am thoroughly enjoying it. When searching for your other volumes (to find the best price), I found a site that had the whole set (1-5) for a very cheap price as a PDF. I bought the set just out of curiosity since I was pretty sure they weren’t available as a PDF before. It turns out it’s just 5 PDF documents that are just photographs of every single page in Card College.

      This seems like a shady, if not illegal practice.
      I just wanted to bring this to your attention.
      I can provide a link if you’d like to contact me privately, I’d rather not give it out in a public forum.

      1. Dear David

        Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Unfortunately each and every book, DVD or other item I have published has been illegally pirated by one or several people. All I’ve seen are of poor quality, usually scanned with a Smartphone, very heavy, and in my opinion useless. I have on occasion tried to get the pirated copy removed from the site and have been successful, but when you remove one, two other pop up – like Heracles’s fight against the Hydra. Within the tiny market I’m in, there is no point to take legal action, and the pirates know this, of course. These people do not even seem to understand that this is my life work, and that they are not only stealing, but also undermining my means of making a living. I will continue publishing, though, as meanwhile it is all I have and I wouldn’t know anything else I could do.

        All the best,


        1. Carissimo Maestro Giobbi:

          Non sa come mi dispiace leggere queste notizie, ma purtroppo i pirati informatici stanno distruggendo tanto lavoro artistico. Io, oltre amatore della magia dalla età di 6 anni (ne ho 52), sono direttore d’orchestra e compositore, e anche noi siamo sposti a questi perigli. Se non si rispetta il lavoro artistico, dove andremo a finire? Caro Maestro, io ho già comprato 4 dei suoi meravigliosi libri nella edizione spagnola, i tre primi volumi della “Grande Escuela Cartomágica” è il “Roberto Extra-light”, e continuerò a comprare e studiare il resto, perché sono dei veri tesori. Io la ringrazio per il suo grande lavoro e spero che la lotta contro questi pirati, pure difficile com’è, la possiamo alla fine vincere noi.

          Con grande affetto

          Miquel Ortega

          1. Carissimo Miquel Ortega

            Grazie mille per le sue parole confortanti e sagge.

            A Lei i miei più sinceri auguri di successo e un affettuoso saluto,

            Roberto Giobbi

    11. Hi, I’m actually starting to look for a father’s day present for my father in law. You probably know him, he’s Richard Osterlind. He has the first 4 card college books, one of which I know you signed, and I wanted to get him the fifth one. It’d be a couple weeks before I could buy it, but I was wondering if you could sign it for him when I decide to buy it.

      1. Hello

        I’m happy to sign all items ordered from me directly. Please mention it when you order, either on the order form or/and on the PayPal order. Please also specify the name you want the book(s) signed to, as I never know if the book is meant as a gift for another person. Thank you.

        All the best,


    12. Hello, i’d like to lnow if you are going to have a show in italy. Thank you,
      Mariaelena Torno

      1. Hello, Mariaelena

        I’m just back from a little tour through Italy in Rome, Milan and Turin. At the moment there are no projects for other performances in Italy. I’ve put you on my private Italian list and will let you know directly if and when I come to Italy.

        All the best,


    13. Hello,
      I have the card college book series and I would love to have them autographed by you. Is there any way I can have them signed? Maybe I could send them?
      Thanks for your time.

      1. Hello, Max,

        As a rule Im happy to sign all my books that you order with me directly. Since I never know to whom the books ultimately go – sometimes they are a gift for someone else – please remember to put a note in the comment field, asking me to sign the book, and to what name.

        You can send me books to be signed, but be aware that postage these days unfortunately is very high. The post office and the government have decided to kill the book business, especially for small publishers like we are in magic. Huge businesses like Amazon will survive, as they have special deals with carriers that others do not get. There is nothing I can do about this. If you still want to have books signed by sending them in, I will send you a PayPal link for the amount due and will kindly ask you to pay this in advance. Also, I cannot take any responsibility for books being lost either way, although the books always are sent with a tracking number.

        If I am at a magic convention, you can of course always approach me, and I will be happy to sign all the books you can carry 🙂

        All the best,


    14. Hi Roberto

      I attended your workshop/talk on Dai Vernon at the session which i really enjoyed and now understand what is meant by “The Vernon Touch”
      Whilst at the workshop you had all of Vernon’s published work on A4 laminated cards. Do you have a list or know where i can find a list of all the published work of Vernon so i can search to complete my collection


    15. hello robert giobbi
      my name is joe
      im 13
      ive been doing magic for 2 years
      and i am a big fan of yours
      and i was wondering if i could get a signed picture of you
      if yes here is my address:
      5 north Lakewood ct south Elgin Illinois
      thank you!!!
      my email is

    16. Dear Roberto,

      after your lecture at the Düsseldorf Magic School of Wolfgang Sommer. This was a superb event and I have continued it by watching your Vernon lecture in the last days. Thanks for sharing a lot of great insights and tipps. I loved it!

      After the lecture, we briefly discussed about the effect where you hold a card in your hand which is supposedly the one chosen by the spectator (who is on stage). The audience sees the card, the spectator does not.

      I am still thinking about this effect. I like it a lot, but the question for me is still: What is the effect and when does it happen?

      To me, there are two possible dramatic plots (from the eyes of the audience):
      (1) The magician has chosen the wrong card, even if he was close. As soon as this becomes apparent (to the audience and to him), he can correct his mistake by changing the card in his hand “by magic”.
      (2) The magician has chosen the right card, but “by magic” (or “by hypnotism”) the audience sees another card.

      In (1), the self-confidence in which the magician states the different facts about the card to the spectator change turns into a dilemma which needs to be solved. I would probably expect the magician to look dumbfounded at first, realizing that his self-confidence was undeserved, then he “does the magic” (by blowing at the card, snapping his fingers, …). Then, he first shows the card to the unassuming spectator on stage, who confirms it is indeed his card (which leaves the audience dumbfounded), and then the card is shown to the audience.

      In (2), the idea of letting the audience see something that does not exist (or, in this case, is different from what they think), would need to be resolved at some point. E.g., after the spectator confirms that the card in the magician’s hand is indeed the 10 of Hearts, the magician could turn to the audience and say “Well, you may believe that I have hypnotized our volunteer on stage to identify his card. Indeed, I have hypnotized all of you to not see it.” And then this is confirmed by revealing the card to the audience.

      To me, the first plot only works if the magician himself realizes only when the spectator on change names it. And this would – in my mind – require a “visible reaction” and then a solution. This is what I was missing when I witnessed the effect. It appeared to me that you were not surprised by the fact that the card was not the one you held in your hand. To me, that was confusing.

      But then, I may also have missed something, as I was obviously “waiting” for the top change to happen; I did not see the effect like a normal spectator. Therefore, I would be very interested to learn more about your view on the dramatic structure of this effect.

      Best wishes,

    Comments are closed.