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Magic Advent Calendar – DECEMBER 1

Hello everyone,

…and welcome to the first day of the Magic Advent Calendar! 

When I was a boy, on the 1st of December my parents would give me an Advent Calendar, one that depicted some colorful winter scene and had, of course, 24 small “doors” to be opened every day from December 1st to 24th, and which hid some seasonal image. Albeit of great simplicity, the little images fired the imagination of Young Giobbi, and each were like a small story – nowadays you need professional YouTube-clips to achieve the same result… Anyway, opening one of the “doors” each morning became a wonderful ritual. Later, Barbara brought the concept to the third dimension by sewing small numbered bags attached to a cord and which contained each a small goodie for our boys Rafael and Miro, who meanwhile are 26 and 28! Barbara, by the way, is not only my amazing wife, but also the gifted artist who illustrated all my books – without her there would be no Card College – so now you know who to really thank 🙂

I forgot about that calendar (what a pity…) until recently, when I was reminded that we magicians, deep in our hearts, have retained some of those wonderful resources we had as children (…and are sharing them with our audiences through our magic). I would have loved to send you 24 bags with a magical surprise in each, but Corona and the Post Office are serious stumbling blocks. BUT what about a virtual Magic Advent Calendar? And here it is!

All you have to do, first thing in the morning (or maybe later…), is to go to and click on “News” to enjoy the current day’s “magic goodie”, which will be what I hope you’ll find to be an  interesting PDF or film clip or…well, it’s a surprise 🙂 So, without further ado, here is my first little gift for you for December 1st:


In Februar 2013 The Linking Ring, the official publication of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, run out of real celebrities, so they decided to put me on their cover 🙂 In order to justify the choice, Bill Evans, then IBM’s international president-elect and exquisite connoisseur of magic, did an interview with me, which I believe is one of the better ones I ever did. We discuss some seriously interesting topics, and you might find it entertaining as well as useful. Plus they talked me into writing up their complete “Parade”. If you have the patience to peruse it, you might find a nugget or two…

The PDF-extract is reproduced here with the kind permission of editor Samuel Patrick Smith (thank you, Sammy!), and I encourage you to visit the IBM’s website HERE.

To download and read the PDF click on the image below. Enjoy!

Roberto Giobbi in Linking Ring Vol. 93 No. 2 (February 2013)



5 thoughts on “Magic Advent Calendar – DECEMBER 1

  1. As usual, Roberto is giving away for free. And not just meaningless tidbits, but solid, strong information. A heartfelt thank you for one of the most generous magicians I have come across.

  2. From a Roberto to another, Thank you!

  3. Thank you, Roberto ! So nice, so kind. I already know, that all that I’m going to learn this month will be USEFULL. And this is only the beginning.

  4. Gracias Roberto desde España. En estos tiempos difíciles me alegra encontrar este maravilloso espíritu navideño.

  5. Super, vielen Dank, Roberto!

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