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Magic Advent Calendar – DECEMBER 19

Hello everyone!

Here we are with another chocolate on the 19th installment of the Magic Advent Calendar: it is a Multiple-Content PDF – I just made up the term 🙂

In 2015 Chris Wasshuber from asked me if I’d be interested to create a new product, which would consist of sending out one “Magic Tweet” per day for a complete year (!) via Twitter and which we would call Secret Twitter, akin to Secret Agenda.

Naively, I said “yes”, as I had also done with Chris’s request to start the Ask Roberto Project. In both cases I had completely misjudged the time it would take to research, collect, write, illustrate, edit and layout the contents. If I count the hours Barbara and I (and Chris, of course) have put into those projects, we’d get a salary that borders to the illegal because far  below the minimal wages. BUT, as in so many cases in life, it has brought pleasure and insight to many people, so it seems, and I’m very proud of both achievements. It shows that money is not important (but unfortunately necessary). At the time Twitter was very limited in text length, and after some trials I realized that it would not be possible to create 365 worthy items. Well, not until it occurred to Barbara that Twitter also allowed photos, not just text. So she set out to design a “photo” of every daily item, and this made it possible to process longer and more substantial texts! That was the egg of Columbus, and the rest is history.

The item hidden behind today’s “calendar door” is a small choice from my Secret Twitter, and fittingly consist of 24 selected tweets for your edification and entertainment pleasure. Come to think of it: this is a a calendar within a calendar, a sort of “nested boxes” 🙂 To read and download the Secret Tweets CLICK HERE.


PS: You can still get the complete Secret Twitter file in one PDF: it consists of 12 months PLUS 2 free months, total of over 420 magical and inspirational tweets.

PPS: I have a promotion on Ask Roberto as an e-book, and you can order it HERE, if you don’t have it, yet. (If you want the printed book and live outside of Europe, please order it directly from, as due to Corona the USA only allows express shipping, which costs more than the book.)

1 thought on “Magic Advent Calendar – DECEMBER 19

  1. I have “Secret Twitter” and “Secret Agenda” ebooks on my iPad and iPhone! I can always get a short inspirational snippet. Perfect for when you have a moment where you wish you had a quick read!

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