Finally, after six years of waiting, here is Hidden Agenda, the sequel to Secret Agenda, with more inspirational ideas and lots of practical stuff for the thinking and performing conjuror.
Category: Slider
STAND-UP CARD MAGIC – Card Magic for Parlor and Stage Card Magic is not simply a bunch of excellent card tricks that can be performed with a normal deck of cards under almost every condition, mostly even surrounded, standing up for a small and a large group (as if that wasn’t enough!), no, it is also and above all a systematic, detailed study of the principles, techniques, tricks, presentations – the theory and practice – that make the performance of magic standing in front of an audience a specialty of its own within the world of magic.
Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic is a great resource for anyone interested in the science and art of manipulating a deck of cards for the purpose of artistic magical entertainment.
It includes over 150 pages of text, photographs, and imbedded videos. In 14 clearly organized lessons you will learn how to handle a deck of cards like a pro. And along the way you will acquire some amazing, yet simple card tricks, which will allow you to successfully perform a little card act for an audience.
158 pages in an attractive and easy-to-read layout.
14 comprehensive Lessons teaching techniques, tricks and theory.
Over 150 color photos and 85 video clips. You must be connected to Internet to view these, but can use all other features off-line.
Use it on your Smartphone, Tablet, Portable or Desktop.
We think that using it on any tablet is the ideal surface for an enjoyable study.
Click here for more information and to download the product.
Roberto Giobbi’s Dai Vernon Seminar Double DVD

A tribute to the life & work of Dai Vernon – effects, techniques, theory from a genius in magic and one of the most influential conjurors ever. Captured in a live seminar setting at The Session 2015 in Cheltenham. Running time: over 3 hours.
TTTCBE – The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
Taped Live! at the 7th British Magic Symposium
The Art of Switching Decks

Learn how to switch a deck.
Siting or standing.
With or without jacket.
And even without pockets!
Product page